A brief description of Closeburn Crossing’s Jassk:

Jassk is a city-state and the largest city on Altinor, the planet Daniel travels to in Closeburn Crossing.

Futuristic when compared with Earth’s cities, Jassk has millions of inhabitants living in great skyscrapers within protective domes that touch the clouds.

Its residential, mercantile, industrial and governmental areas are separated, contained within their own domes and linked by a rapid public transport-pod system.

Jassk is the most technologically advanced place known on Altinor.

Among its advances is a network of wireless energy, offered commercially to its residents. This innovation of being able to beam energy safely around the city, where its people can convert it instantly into electricity, has helped Jassk grow quickly.

Despite breakthroughs like this, there is a large gap between rich and poor in the city.

Its most powerful figure is its consul, first and foremost among Jassk’s ruling council of ministers.

Jassk’s Market Dome is famous for trading almost everything under Altinor’s sun. Many Altinoreans travel hundreds of miles to trade there, by transporter, horse or foot.

Image artist: Kelly Mai
Artist’s website: http://www.kellymai.com/
Image copyright © Kelly Mai

A brief character description of Closeburn Crossing’s Lokash:

Lokash is a Phib. Phibs are an Altinorean race of tall, bipedal, talking frogs who live in the vast jungle of Iria. He is a warrior and a member of Lord Phorm’s tribe.

Resentful that Phorm was chosen as leader of the tribe over him, Lokash is nonetheless staunchly loyal to his lord.

Lokash’s duties as a warrior include guarding the entrance to his village and the seat of Lord Phorm’s power, Phibia.

Bored with using the traditional Phib weapon of a spear, Lokash managed to acquire one of the flintlock pistols made by Ketch the Collector and enjoys showing off this unconventional weapon.

It is a tribute to his fealty to Phorm that Lokash does not use the pistol to try to impose his own leadership on the tribe.

Abrasive and cocksure, deep down Lokash hides a care for others, especially those threatened by his mortal enemies, the Delvidran Army.


Just to let you know, the paperback version of Closeburn Crossing won’t be available for a short time.

I’ve changed printer recently and working to have paperbacks of the best quality possible available. Keep you posted when they are available again!

Meanwhile, the Closeburn Crossing eBook is still available on Amazon, here’s the link:

Closeburn Crossing eBook